When you are pregnant you are so tired. I fall asleep at 8:30. I wake up at Midnight and have to Pee. I am then awake and the baby is kicking me so hard I cannot get back to sleep. I get on facebook. I have a minor anxiety attack about something that is out of my control and is really not that serious but at 1:00 AM everything is serious. 1:30 Lily has a bad dream. 2 :00 Lily is asleep, I am still awake. 2:30 I have leg cramps so bad I cannot lay in bed, but the rest of my body is too tired to move. 3:30 I am watching something awful on television hoping it will put me to sleep. 4:45 I wake up from sleeping on the couch and have to pee. I got to bed. 5:20 Jeremy's alarm goes off, he hits the snooze. 5:29 Jeremy's alarm goes off, he hits the snooze. 5:38 Jeremy's alarm goes off, he hits the snooze. 5:47 Jeremy's alarm goes off. He gets up and takes a shower. 5:58 my alarm goes off. I get up, and get ready for my first day with new students.
This or something similar happens at least half of the time while I am pregnant. Oh well, totally worth it!
aw, I loved that last sentence! That's terrible that you aren't getting a lot of sleep. I wish I could just live there and take care of all of those things for you and just let you sleep! But I'm glad you're staying positive, and once the baby gets here it's going to be such a blessing and you'll be so happy!