Having kids makes you realize so much about yourself. Perhaps what it has made me realize more then anything else is how quickly time flies. My daughter will do something and it will be wonderful and sweet, special and cute...but it changes, in a day, or a week she will never do that cute thing again.
When we set up our Christmas tree I will never forget her face, she lit up with everything that came out of the box. Unlike last year where she was just mesmerized by the lights, and gently cooed, she giggles and dances, shouts out ball everytime she sees a bulb, and kisses each light, because she is just sweet.
She has also embraced the word NO. Unfortunately Jeremy and I cannot keep a straight face most of the time she uses it.
She is already very sensitive and refuses to leave any toy behind, no matter how many trips it requires of her.
I struggle daily with whether or not I am missing to many of her cute "little things" while i spend my days teaching Americas youth, and trying to improve everyones future. Most days I come home feeling as though I have both failed as a teacher, and failed as a mother. I love my daughter and I am afraid that my job will make me a different person for her. That I will grow more and more cynical, critical and bitter at the flaws of society.
Well I need to go enjoy the uhohs and tea parties....
JEN :) yay, i'm glad that I will get to follow you in costa rica so I can be updated on your wonderful family. I love you and can't wait to see you again!